A Free, Virtual writing retreat

WriteHive Lite

Oct 12 - Oct 13, 2024

Schedule of Events

Saturday - October 12th

11:00 am

Icebreaker and Orientation
Leader: WriteHive Staff

12:00 pm

CLASS: Baby Query Shark: Re-do, Re-do-do-do

This online pitching event is inspired by the great Janet Ried’s famous blog, Query Shark. (If you haven’t checked it out and wish to participate in the class, it’s HIGHLY suggested that you go read through some entries.)

During this query critique class, Resident Editor Hannah Kates will be breaking down queries, identifying their weaknesses, pointing out their strengths, and discussing tried-and-true strategies to get your work out of the slush pile and into the right hands.

You are free to participate however you want! You can simply come to class, ask questions, and learn; or you can do all the above and submit your query to be one of the live pitch critiques.

If you want to climb into the baby shark tank, email your query to hannah@authorhannahkates.com before September 20.

If your query is chosen, Hannah will reach out to you to confirm your consent to be featured in class. (Your submission will be anonymous).

NOTE: This class will be pre-recorded, Hannah will be available intermittently for questions.

Leader: Hannah Kates

1:00 pm

Dedicated Writing Time (w/ 20 min sprints included) and One-on-Ones
Leader: WriteHive Staff

3:00 pm

CLASS: I Sing The Body Electric: Writing Diversity Well

Leader: Chyina Powell

4:00 pm

Dedicated Writing Time (w/ 20 min sprints included) and One-on-Ones
Leader: WriteHive Staff

6:00 pm

Reflections in Horror: Character Foils
Leader: Rhonda Jackson Garcia

9:00 pm

Listening Party (WIP related music share)
Leader: WriteHive Staff

Sunday - October 13th

11:00 am

Prompt Game
Leader: WriteHive Staff

12:00 pm EDT

CLASS: Scene as Sacred Space

“Scene as Sacred Space” is a resource for scene-building in dramatic writing developed by Brendon Alekseii (also known as Brendon O’Brien). It was adapted by Keir Alekseii for fiction and novel-writing. Rooted in Caribbean cultural understanding, this new mechanic for developing scenes calls writers to think not only of what brings characters together in a space, but how the space/setting itself informs action and character possibilities.

Leader: Keir Alekseii

1:00 pm

Industry Q&A (Live)
Leader: Keir Alekseii

1:30 pm

Dedicated Writing Time (w/ 20 min sprints included) and One-on-Ones
Leader: WriteHive Staff

3:00 pm

CLASS: Punch Up Your Prose: Giving Your Battle Scenes a Fighting Chance

Are you new to writing action? Have you been writing fight scenes but they’re falling flat? Join Justine Manzano, author of numerous action fantasy novels as she takes you on a journey through the dos and don’ts of action. This class will discuss realism in battle, how to apply point of view for maximum effect, using the environment for the most kick (pun intended) and much more!

Leader: Justine Manzano

4:00 pm

Dedicated Writing Time (w/ 20 min sprints included) and One-on-Ones
Leader: WriteHIve Staff

6:00 pm

Decompress Share
Leader: WriteHive Staff