Welcome to WriteHive!
Our Mission
WriteHive seeks to foster a safe, diverse community and provide free, inclusive events and resources for all writers, especially those from marginalized communities.
What We Do
WriteHive hosts an array of programming dedicated to breaking the paywall for authors looking to advance their writing. Check out our events page for more details.
How You Can Help
WriteHive is run solely by volunteers. You can help by volunteering to help at an event or behind the scenes or donate to our Silent Auction or general fund, which helps pay for meeting and translation services for our conferences.
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What's New
Reclaiming Joy Anthology On Sale Now!
Reclaiming Joy is a collection of 14 uplifting stories about perseverance, courage, and love. Each story explores a different situation where we must find some semblance of joy amidst a life mired by tragedy and trauma.
Anthology collection of science fiction, fantasy, and horror
Pages: 280
Author Contributors: Sarina Dorie, S.M. Fox, Matt Bliss, R. Jean Mathieu, Emmeryn Palladino, K.M. Veohongs, Raven J. Demers, Arwen Spicer, Kiera Alventosa, Carter Lappin, Emma Sloley, Valerie Hunter, Lindsay Mansfield, Karl El-Koura
Trigger Warnings: Depictions of rape
Sold by Inked in Gray Press. All profits donated to WriteHive to support programming, grants, and events

Anthology Open Call
Nov 15, 2024 - Jan 31, 2025
This year’s theme is Surviving Humanity.
We will be accepting stories up to 8k words to be in our next anthology, to be published Nov/Dec of 2025.
Please read the submission guidelines (no AI-assisted works please). Everyone is encouraged to submit. International authors welcome!
Annual Silent Auction
Dec 2 - Dec 15, 2024
It’s no secret that donations keep WriteHive running. Every year we host a silent auction to raise money for the events and overhead to keep things free.
We would love your support this year! If you’ve got a product or service you’d like to donate (and it’s tax deductible!) or would like more information on when to bid on items, please click the link below!
Partner with WriteHive
Help support the writing community. Learn about us and what we can do for you.

Thanks to our sponsors and partners, WriteHive is able to continue to provide FREE programs to the writing community.
amazing things you didn't know about WriteHive
Everyone deserves a writing community. Check out what we are doing for our community.
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Why WriteHive?
Everything we do is free
Our vision is to create a supportive and empowering literary community, especially for marginalized individuals
Multifaceted Community
We don't just cater to the traditional author pathway. WH believes that indie press and self-pub authors should share the bookshelf with traditionally published books. Thus, our workshops, event, and programming reflect that.