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become a sponsor

Everything we do at WriteHive is funded by our generous donors. We are a 100% volunteer run organization. No one gets paid; all proceeds are directed back into the organization to fund overhead, scholarships, and most importantly our events. 

This year we’ve been able to make upgrades to our website, expand our programming, and offer one additional Sponsored Artist Award. We want to thank all of our sponsors for their time and donations towards our goal of helping authors achieve their goals.

We are currently looking for sponsors for our upcoming annual conference. There are a variety of options for all income levels. Every dollar is a step towards breaking the paywall to publishing.

Check out our sponsorship options such as:

  • Vendor Booth at Annual Con
  • Podcast Advertising
  • Website/Social Media 
  • Combo Packages

No matter what your budget, we have a package for you. Not seeing what you are looking for? Send Dakota an email at to discuss.