WriteHive is a 501(c)(3) non-profit. Your donations directly benefit the Writing Community by allowing us to continue offering free, inclusive events and programming for authors. When you donate to WriteHive, your financial gift supports:
We are dedicated to using your donations responsibly. Our WriteHive team is run by a volunteer board of directors and staff. Whether your donation is $20 or $2,000, every dollar makes a big difference to our organization. Thank you for your support!
WriteHive is a non-profit charitable corporation with 501(c)(3) tax exempt status in the United States. Our U.S. tax-exempt number is 85-2389483. Your contribution is tax-deductible to the extent allowed by state law. Please consult a qualified tax adviser with questions about your personal tax deduction eligibility.
Many employers will match employee contributions. Please check with your company when you donate to see if they have a Corporate Gift Match Program.
In addition to a monetary donation, WriteHive also has several other ways you can support our community, including:
Other opportunities: WriteHive has a Silent Auction Fundraiser and other events throughout the year that could benefit from your product or service donations. If there is something you’d like to donate to our efforts, please email us and let us know!
We appreciate your support of the WriteHive organization, as we continue to provide free resources and programming for the Writing Community.