WriteHive Launches a New Writing Podcast

WriteHive News

Podcasting these days may come off as a little ‘old-hat,’ and with scores of writing podcasts, is there any value in adding another one into the mix?

The answer is yes. 

First, there is always room in any community to try something different. The cooking YouTube community was flush with talent and the average viewer in 2016 was inundated with various spectacles and personality. Binging with Babish started in February of that year anyway and is consistently one of the first channels people point to. The point here is that there is always room for one more. Also, only WriteHive’s Patreon Supporters get access to this. A little value-added for your subscription.

Second is that Word Nerd Cafe – WriteHive’s podcast – has a plethora of experience and expertise from all across the publishing spectrum. That is a convenient segue into the permanent and rotating hosts for WNC.

Skaeth is the indie author of Windward and the Children of the Nexus series. She Co-Founded IndieStoryGeek.com. In addition to her work on WriteHive, she can be found on her website, Twitter, and helping out at WriterInMotion.

Jeni Chappelle is a novel editor with over 10 years of experience. She’s a Co-Founding editor of Revise & Resub (#RevPit), and the Editorial Director of WriterInMotion.

Justine Manzano is a self-professed lover of stories, dedicated to helping writers hone their craft. She’s worked as an acquisitions editor, content editor, and line editor at small publishing companies and one can often find her somewhere helping writers hone their craft with her remarkably comfortable style.

Megan Manzano (they’re sisters-in-law, in case one was curious) has and continues to wear many hats in the publishing world: freelance editor, writer, a marketer for trade books and is now an Agent at D4EO Literary Agency.

Carly Hayward (starting in February) is a developmental editor at Book Light Editorial with over 10 years of experience all over the publishing industry. She is a Co-Founding editor and Board Member of Revise & Resub (#RevPit) and is one half of Story Chat Radio.

Every month, WNC will feature guests spanning all ends of the publishing process. This month, WNC welcomes JRH Lawless. He is an award-winning science fiction author from Canada who weaves humor into serious subjects in the vein of Douglas Adams and Terry Pratchett.

Okay, that’s great, but what can I expect though?

Great question. Listeners can expect a regular round-table discussion of editors and authors.

To put it in the words of show-runner SK, “Wherever you go on the internet, it can be easy to be inundated with various tips and strategies that may or may not work for you or in your specific case. By hearing experts discussing the ins and outs and sharing when the rules can be broken and how, I’m hoping that people can see their work with more clarity, and that they can find techniques that they can apply to improving their craft. Plus, our editors have a knack for those crystallizing light-bulb moments that make everything make sense.”

WNC is about taking different perspectives in writing and publishing and giving hopeful authors extra knowledge to finish their story. For some authors, getting the story written is enough. For others, nothing is done until a book is queried, accepted by an agent, acquired by a publisher, and finally on bookstore shelves. The cast of WNC has seen every angle of this, and what they want to do is help you the author get to where you want to be.

Every week WNC will tackle minute aspects of a novel, but don’t be fooled into thinking that minute equals unimportant. For example, the month of February will deal with opening sentences. Those pesky lines that can decide whether a person is instantly grabbed or puts your book down. Guest Author JRH Lawless brings an irreverent ‘eye’ to storytelling.

Patreon supporters can have immediate access to Word Nerd Cafe.